Published Accounts

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Ali's Dream - Annual Report 2009
Activities and achievements during the year

Throughout this year, the Ali’s Dream charity has continued to raise significant funds for research into childhood brain tumours, and this year we have raised a further £54,623 (after the cost of generating funds of £15,106 and Governance costs of £1,519), bringing the total generated for Charitable activities since inception to £687,922.

Our main activity of raising funds in order to determine amounts available for research in future years remained our first priority and we raised a further £54k. Donations formed the major part of this with £4k from companies that we contacted, £10k from individuals and local organisations in response to appeals and £5k from Jack's Goal in memory of Jack D'Lima. We also obtained some TV coverage this year (as well as £10k) with Darren Gough naming us as one of his charities in the BBC show "Hole in the Wall". This year the funds were boosted by only £4k interest on amounts invested, sadly another impact of the credit crunch and reduced interest rates.

Fundraisers who include trustees and close friends offer their services entirely voluntarily, as they are all employed in some form of work. Governance costs are kept to a minimum through the support of their employing companies, for photocopying and other consumables.

No further invitations for applications for research funding were requested in the year, however we are inviting further applications in 2009/10 as some of our existing projects come to completion.

We continue to provide the secretariat for the brain tumour All Party Parliamentary Group which we established in June 2005. We invite speakers to present to MP’s and prompt Parliamentary Questions and Early Day Motions to raise awareness and further the cause. In April 2009 we launched the Brain Tumour Research Group which represents 14 brain tumour charities with Ali’s Dream a founder member. Together we represent one voice to raise awareness of the issues of brain tumours and increase funding for research.

Ali's Dream needs your help in the fight against childhood brain tumors by way of donation. If you would like to help us in this fight, please click on the button below and donate using Just Giving.

It only takes a minute and will help us more than you can imagine in our battle against this dreadful illness.

Everyone working for Ali's Dream is voluntary, therefore every penny donated goes directly towards research into finding a cure.

Please click on the button below.